
Turbo Atoll

Turbo Atoll is a 4 part epic adventure comic that follows Rex Ganon and Vaughn Von Braughn as they visit the city-state of Turbo Atoll, located in Hong Kong Harbor. Aided by Jasmean, the princess of Turbo Atoll, the three prepare for a massive race that will define the fate of Earth and the entire human race! These books feature:

  • Twists and turns

  • Assassination attempts

  • Interdimensional drug tripping

  • The absolute highest of octane action

  • A cyborg ninja

  • Giant genetically engineered freaks

  • Action figure tie-ins

Parts 1-3 Drawn by Gavin Mackie

Thumbnails and covers by Ian Ameling

Story and writing by Jesse Destasio

Rex Ganon, business casual

Rex Ganon, business casual

Marson, Emissary of the Trylobyte King

Marson, Emissary of the Trylobyte King